So to add to my page for once in a long time I am going to say how fun it is to go to a school that actually has a football team! Go Rebels! Last week was against Hawaii and we barely scraped by (yes we, like I'm part of the team). We had these hawaiians sitting by us who were an everso friendly semi-drunk group but they were hilarious and super friendly.
The whole time they were chearing Hawaii on and holding signs like this. They were even pretty positive when Hawaii was winning. At one point UNLV was ahead and then Hawaii scored putting them ontop. This one large Hawaiian man pointed at everyone around us saying "sad face" while pointing and laughing, which almost sounds rude but the way he said it and once he did it, the UNLV fans did it too whenever they came out ontop over Hawaii. Needless to say Clay and I will be going to many more because this stuff is fun! Go UNLV! It was said today by my coworker that UNLV is one of the best schools to root for because no one expects them to win, so when they do its a huge victory and when they lose its no big deal. But no need to worry, they wont be losing with Clay and I as fans :)